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ProCetus Professional Edition 2

ProCetus Professional Edition 2

ProCetus Professional Edition Publisher's Description

ProCetus is a general purpose 3D FEA (Finite Element Analysis) Structural Design, Analysis and Optimization application software. ProCetus will handle the vast majority of your Structural Civil Engineering Projects in an easy, fast and very competitive manner.

It is designed to handle both Piping and Steel Structures. Materials other than steel are not excluded.

Our Professional Edition is primarily intended for Professional Structural Engineers and Medium Size Companies who regularly handle 3D Civil Structural and Piping engineering projects. Rather than having to outsource structural analyses, they will now be able to easily design, analyze and optimize the vast majority of projects in-house and make significant savings on engineering costs.

The Professional Edition is configured to analyze quite large projects. Please consult our webpage at for product specifications and pricing. Note that we also offer low priced Student and Academic Editions.

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